Friday, February 10, 2006

a cold and crow-y week

This week, I...

--saw Maude Barlow speak to a packed auditorium about water issues. Afterward Gill and I lined up with the autograph-people to shake her hand and tell her how much we liked her. It's always nice to express such sentiments.

--walked in Odell and then, when walking home, saw the "crow highway" overhead. This is when nearly 300 (how do I know? I don't!) crows fly from Odell Park west, around 5:30 pm, just when dusk is turning the blue sky a pretty pastel. I saw the crows two other nights this week, too. They fly really high, so they're more like specks, but you can tell they're crows.

--read too much of Outlander. My goodness, that book is sucking me in. I'll provide a link at a later date, at the mo I'm in the computer lab. Anyway, Google it if you're interested, but a quick synopsis is it's a pseudo-romance set in the Highlands of Scotland, and there is time travel--and kilts--involved.

--classes, always classes. And wrote a paper. And slept a fair lot, too.

Now it is Friday, and hurray for that. There will be a coffee meeting with Tracy, and more bundling from the cold, which is made all the more bitter since there isn't any snow on the ground. But at least it makes for rosy cheeks!

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