Monday's here again, the morning began with a psychology midterm that went how most multiple-choice exams go. It's getting chillier in the city, it is now imperative to wear a warm hat on the walk to school, and don't even think about messing around with an inappropriate jacket. It's warm and bundled, or else you're going to hear it from the immune system.
I spent the weekend in with my flatmates, getting work done, as the saying goes. I mean, I did do work, but it sure is funny how time unravels into the present: time you allotted so specifically for a certain task (3 hours, say, of studying Biology) doesn't account for the time spent gazing into space, the time spent 'taking a break', the time spent doing the dishes or taking care of unexpected things.
That said, I'm really fine with the workload. It takes getting used to, and it takes commitment, but it gets done. It also takes good music and the odd bit of chocolate, too.
Now it is time for Latin class. This is also a shoutout to Janice, who is home in Baddeck, resting and healing. I miss you doll! Get well soon so we can toss demonstrative pronouns like the salad greens they are... : )