Tuesday, February 14, 2012

happy valentine's day

This morning as I fed the cats I noticed the bowl is a heart shape. Perfect for today, the day to celebrate love. And, awwwww, who doesn't love cute kitties??

I woke at 6 when Adam did. I got up and made his coffee and sandwich, as I do every morning. Well, OK, more like every morning I want to get up and do that. But, I know it helps him when I do and plus I get to have a little bit of time with him in the morning, and I like that.

I wrote him a note with a Sharpie - "Will you be my Valentine?" - and tucked it in his lunchbag. "You have a secret note," I said, "And you can't read it until you eat your lunch." "OK, dear," he said. He kissed me and went off to work.


Show your love for artists: check out LINKwithlove's initiative today to spur change on Pinterest. LINKwithlove's mission is to promote responsible linking, so that artists and other people who create intellectual property get recognition for their work. It might not seem like a big deal, but it can really cause problems for artists when their work is used, modified and sold without their permission. All you have to do today is repin an image to your Pinterest, and that image should be up on the LINKwithlove page soon.


Also, on a silly note, this is one of my favorite songs, by Outkast. It's called "Happy Valentine's Day." Enjoy!

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