...I wore longjohns under my jeans, and on top, a long underwear shirt that luckily looks like a real shirt (both by Stanfields), which I then covered with a zip-up hoodie. And then, of course, my warm winter coat, my scarf, my hat, and the hood of my jacket. My hands warm up fast when I'm walking so they were fine glove-less; actually, when I wear mittens and walk at the same time I get irritated. I let Dan wear them, though, and he took pictures of Fredericton's hot springs (a vent of some sort) and me daring to breathe into the frosty -22º morning air (with a windchill of -40º, which I certainly felt later on in the afternoon when the wind picked up).
...the snow squeaked underfoot, all day long. The sun shone, though, so that was nice.
...walking outside for more than 20 seconds, my nose began to hurt. Hurt!
...all the doorways on campus had a little bubble of cold around them, on the inside. The windows in the cafeteria were frosted up. My windows here at home have a little rim of ice on the inside, at the bottom. I'm still wearing my longjohns under my jeans.
...I stopped to talk (briefly) to a professor friend in the courtyard and he wasn't wearing a hat. "Are you crazy?" I said. "Yes!" He replied, then went on: "Also, I kind of like this weather. It makes it so Alberta can't make fun of us!" I suppose so. Part of why I'm enjoying this cold Arctic front is that it makes me feel tough--I'm not dead yet! I'm still running around on the squeaky snow, red-cheeked and alive!
...my archives got frostbite and fell off. I'm working on getting them back, though, so worry not.
Did you leave your house today? If you don't live in Fredericton, what's the coldest it's ever been where you are?