2 hours til I am done this paper.
4 days until I am done all my take-home exams, and can finish off the bottle of maple wine while scratching my "Set for Life" scratch ticket that I won a few weeks ago.
7 days to Cape Breton.
8 days to a massage from my mother, certified massage practitioner.
11 days to Dan!!!
17 days to Christmas.
18 days til the Baddeck Fire Hall Boxing Day dance.
24 days til 2007. (What the?!?)
2 months exactly until Boost Your Eco! begins (the film festival).
2 months (roughly) til my brother Mat comes home from the Ukraine.
4 months less 3 days until the last day of classes for my third year of university.
4 months, 14 days til my 23rd birthday.
1 year, 5 months until I have a university degree.
5..4..3..2..1.... What are you counting down to?