Aren't these just the most darling earrings? They were Dan's present to me. I think they might be a bit much during the rest of the year, but during the Holidays they're rather festive.
No, but seriously. This is the scene these days: Dan's living room, the Christmas tree, and a lot of hanging out. My daily schedule is getting turned upside down: today I had breakfast at 1 PM. I don't even really notice the hours slipping by. Christmas break is pretty awesome, all around.
I came home shortly after I wrote my last post, and it was a good trip with the Fuller dames, including a stop in Halifax for an overnight stay at the Prince George hotel courtesy of the Nova Scotia Government. While Janice took a nap the next day and C. A. got physio'd, I went for a walk in downtown Halifax, checking out the shops and being in another city, one that resembles a city a bit more than Fredericton. I got my Dad's Christmas present at a used bookstore called John Doule's, for under twenty dollars, and it is a very nice volume (although I can't say what it is in case he reads this blog. But if he actually does read this blog, I would be very surprised. Dad is a man who confessed the other day to living in a "stove museum". I can explain that if you guys want.) And, on the way home from there we made a stop in Truro at the Stanfields Factory Outlet and I picked myself up a pair of stunning grey long underwear (they'll go great with the gumboots, of course!), for only 7.99! Deals to be had all over the place.
Then I spent a few days at home at Mum's, doing really relaxing things like sleeping in, getting a massage, making dinners of various kinds (squash soup with cheddar cheese and Breton crackers, kale/chickpea mash on bread with roasted sunflower seeds and garlic vinaigrette, and other delights), taking walks along dirt roads, reading "The Fiery Cross" (and taking Jamie's advice to "dinna fash [myself]") ... all of which form a schedule that is such a nice contrast to how November went.
And then Tuesday night, three and a half long/short months (long because of the distance, short because where the hell did they go?) suddenly ended when Dan showed up on my doorstep. Since then I've been in Sydney with the Harris family, having a truly fantastic time. There aren't enough adjectives to describe how great things are right now. I guess I might say that I'm so happy I have two halos! And we've continued the relaxation: activities include doing the daily crossword puzzle in the Cape Breton Post, taking naps whenever we feel like it, watching The Office and strange game shows like "Identity", and all of us pretending to be normal while Dan snaps pictures of us. As my Mum says, "it could be worse!"
Speaking of Mum, I think I'll get back her way pretty soon, in time for Christmas. What are you all planning for the December 25th? Turkey or Tofurkey? Eggnog or cider? Boxing Day=Fire Hall or All Fired Up?