Wednesday, September 21, 2005

ode to wool

The weather is turning towards fall. I look out my window and up into the sky, and the clouds are moving rapidly across it. The birch trees, with leaves still green on them, though in patches tending towards yellow, are swaying in the wind. This morning Marlo and I went for a short walk in Odell Park, around the duck pond and back, and I had to wear a hoodie along with my usual 'sport' clothes. More and more trees on my walk to school are beginning to blush red, orange, yellow. The air is damp, but chilly.

All of this means: sweater season! Hurrah! Bring on the wools, I say. The wools and the hot coffees.

I'm also quite tired at the own fault for trying to pack too much into the days, and being quite wired still at night and having a hard time getting to sleep. Tonight will be different--there will be enforced relaxation and an early bedtime.

Oh yes--and wool. Mmmm...

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