Tuesday, June 3, 2003

My summer is firming up, I will be working a third summer in the little pottery shop that could, as well as (hopefully) doing some waitressing on the side, as well as (maybe) some writing for the local paper. (Details have yet to be discussed, so none of this is on-the-record, mind.) Mat, my illustrious and darling brother, will also be living in North River with me, and he is a welcome addition to the small-yet-thriving North Shore social scene. Actually, the thought of having him as a room-mate is really exciting, and I can't wait.

So besides for my jobs, I hope to also spend lots of time swimming, drying off, reading, biking, hiking, going to parties, seeing friends, and maybe even...becoming part of a dance class? We'll see, it depends on lots of things. Also, hoping to take a midsummer trip to NYC to hook up with Sarah Cashman (yes, you!) and Sarah Hart (you as well!) and seeing some more of that very cool city.

So far here in NH I've helped Einar with various jobs, like hauling wood, polyeurothaning a floor, the aforementioned honey extraction, working (sort of) in the fields of a local farm (we watered plants for an hour, but it was entirely volunteer work). We've also driven up Mount Monadnack (or was it Temple?) in the fog, and so didn't see a thing, but we did get to climb up into a rickety metal tower with the wind blowing the fog all around us, and that was fun; driven to various nearby towns; taken in the local bar scene at Harlow's Pub; been to a potluck supper at 2D's house...all in all I'm liking NH a lot and having a good time here. I'll be here til the 8th and then we're making our way home, in the dusty old pick-up, and then my start date with Deanie is the 16th, but other than that I have no firm dates. It's been great to see old friends again, and I suspect returning home will be more of that. It should be interesting to see what it's like to be home after being away for so long...and I'm determined not to feel stuck in North River, to have an amazing summer, and above all, to keep on growing, even when it's painful, even when it stings.

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