Wednesday, December 18, 2002

My fridge--I adore it. It's not just the fridge. It's the false tree on top of it, and the clove box, and the placement of things. The false tree is a metal stand with tinsel wrapped around it, and lights too, and it's about a foot and a half tall. The clove box is something Mum and Mat sent me from home, a little box (lid, handle too) made out of cloves. How strange, and how marvellous. It smells incredible, and every now and then I stop whatever I'm doing and go over and sniff it. On top of the fridge there is also my camera, a silver little affair, and the cordless phone, and the brown striped cracked mug with pens and the set of chopsticks from that time in Squamish...

On the surface of the fridge--a few necessary things like emergency phone numbers. 10 magnets that are supposed to be glued onto the back of 'craft' projects, so are small and grey and round. I like them muchly. Also 4 yellow-and-red plastic bird magnets--chickens, ducks, turkeys. All acquired at the temple of garishness itself, the dollar store in Squamish. Same trip as the chopsticks. There's also a fortune from the Lotus Gardens--"Life will shower you with happiness."

I also took three gold elastic strings, which were wrapped around the tissue paper of three early Christmas presents, and decorated my fridge door handle to look a Grecian sandle. It's all very nice and shiny, which is just what a fridge should be like.

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